论坛-> 分类信息 -> 帖子页模板:
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<th><span class="commidy_title">更新日期:</span></th>
<td><span class="cdesc">{cdesc_9_value}</span></td>
<div class="jnpar_moreline">
<th><span class="commidy_title">兼容版本:</span></th>
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<th><span class="commidy_title">适配编码:</span></th>
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<li><a href="tencent://message/?uin={kfqq_9_value}" id="wx_dkf" onmouseover="showMenu({'ctrlid':this.id,'pos':'12'})" title="联系QQ客服" class="a2"><i>QQ客服</i>{kfqq_9_value}</a>
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<div class="cl"><img src="/source/plugin/jnpar_sortshop/images/qrcode-qun.png" width="218" height="218"></div>
<div class="tip_horn"></div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<div class="jnpar_desc cl"><div class="ctitle">应用介绍</div></div>
分类信息多功能商城 电脑+手机版8.2
设置 -> 购买后显示模板
<div style="padding:5px;border:dashed red 1px;font-family: 微软雅黑,'PingFang SC', Droidsansfallback;margin: 0 6px;"><div style="border-bottom:dashed gray 1px;margin-bottom:15px;"><style>@keyframes rans {from{backgroud-position: 0 0;}to{background-position: 2000px 0;}}</style> <font style="background: -webkit-linear-gradient(18deg, #3300CC, #660099, #990066, #CC0033, #FF9999, #FF4400, #3300CC); background: -moz-linear-gradient(18deg, #3300CC, #660099, #990066, #CC0033, #FF9999, #FF4400, #3300CC); background: -ms-linear-gradient(18deg, #3300CC, #660099, #990066, #CC0033, #FF9999, #FF4400, #3300CC);animation: rans 18s linear infinite;-webkit-background-clip: text;color: transparent;"><strong><font size="2">您已购买,以下为付费下载内容:(<font color="red">↓↓↓本资源的提取码是:2023</font>)</font></strong></font></div><strong><a href='{{value}}'>{{value}}</a></strong></div>
设置 -> 按钮模板
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<div class="jnpar_buyline jgb mt5 cl btn_mobile"><a class="az az2 jnpar_buybtn" href="{{buyurl}}">购买下载</a></div>